The trademark registration in Cochin is a corporate symbol that is related to any commodity or assistance which gives exclusive identity and differentiation of logo from other products. The symbolization of trademark is ™ or ® sign. It is very essential for a business to focus on brand name and the logo name registration. Trademark is a separate symbol from logo. After the registration of trademark, the owner of the business receives an exclusionary rights to take any juridical action under the class or division the owner registered. Both the trademark and service mark are practices to show variation in the market place. Trademark registration grants greater authority to the business peoples to make establishment of their own trademark rights. It is a valuable marketing tool that prohibits others to duplicate the TM. The trademark owners can claim royalties and prevent others from using their logo or brand. This contributes a lot to the image of the company and stands as a mark of excellence and quality offered through Solubilis trademark registration service.
Identical or similar trademark is not accepted by the trademark registry. So unique trademark is mandatory for registration of trademark.
The trademark is registered if there is no oppositions or objections raised.
The identified unique trademark is ready to file with the trademark registrar.
TM application allotment number is provided within one or two working days.
It is an international classification of figurative elements of marks.
The trademark that is proposed is published in the trademark journal.
Solubilis corporate services is good and fast in all kinds of legal registration services. I received my trade mark symbol in just 1 hour. Thanks to solubilis representatives.
My suggestion is, Solubilis is ready to hear our legal issues and provide suitable solutions for business registration issues. My trademark registration issue is solved by them.
Excellent client handling mannerism is the added advantage of solubilis. Genuine and transparent pricing for trademark registration.
Yes, a three dimensional mark is possible to register in trademark.
The trademark law states that the TM should be idiosyncratic and non-descriptive in manner to get registered.
The goods and services which are of International Standard is adopted in India.
The effective period time of a trademark is 10 years and it is renewed every 10 years.
Yes, it is allowed to be amended as per the provision of section 22 of trademark act.
Get one stop solution for all the business registrations and legal compliances with the support of our Solubilis